Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Mesothelioma Facts and Info

Mesothelioma cancer is caused by the inhalation, or swallowing, of asbestos. Nearly 3,000 people are stricken with this disease each year. It is most commonly obtained through exposure on work sites such as those involving old buildings, roofing, or any job that requires handling vast amounts of steel and iron.
Asbestos was once considered an instant solution to projects which required the use of binding materials. It was inexpensive, easy to make, and readily available. Asbestos is a naturally- found fiber. The fragments are so small that the human eye cannot see them, and they have no smell or taste, so it is difficult to tell if you have been exposed to these fibers. They build up in the body, and do not cause problems right away. In some cases, it can take decades for the damage from asbestos to be noticed in the body.
As dangerous a resource that asbestos is, it has yet to be banned in the United States, although many people believe it is. Due to this fact, numerous people have been needlessly exposed to asbestos. In addition, they do not even realize it until the damage is irreversible.
When working with asbestos, it is wise to use protection, such as a breathing mask, to prevent one from inhaling these fibers. If you are working with this product also wear gloves and refrain from touching your mouth or the interior of your nostrils.
If for some reason you are in contact with asbestos and proper protection cannot be provided, do not handle the material. It would be wise for you use machinery, rather than your hands. The further you can stay away from any material containing asbestos, the better. Its fiber strands are extremely small and this toxin stays airborne for a period, much like dust.
Mesothelioma cancer occurs in the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of cells that surrounds several organs of the chest, abdomen, and heart. The mesothelium serves our bodies as a spacer between the various organs and reduces friction with fluid.
This particular cancer is quiet aggressive. Often the victim does not realize they have it until the cancer is already in its later stages of development. Luckily, with the advances in modern day medicine, mesothelioma can be diagnosed at an earlier stage of its progression and treatments can be started in order to enhance your chances of survival and increase your life expectancy.
If you think you might have mesothelioma, you should see your doctor immediately and speak with him or her about your symptoms. Working with a doctor, as with all illness and disease, will greatly increase your chances of surviving mesothelioma.
If you do have mesothelioma, you may want to consider contacting a lawyer about the circumstances during which you contracted this frightening cancer. As in many cases of cancer, your illness probably could have been prevented. When this is the case, someone should be held responsible.
Chirag Naiknavare

What to Expect After Having a Lung Removed

One of the first questions that may come to mind when someone has been advised that the best option for survival is to have a lung removed, is "How can someone live with just one lung?" But there are in fact a large number of people out there who have no other choice but to live with just one lung.
Most patients after having had a lung removed will be inclined to suffer from certain side-effects, although these may vary between patients. The side-effects of the surgery itself, together with those of chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be quite intense, although for most they are usually short-lived.
After the lung operation has taken place, help may be required for the patient to adjust to his/her new life-style. There are people and organizations on-hand specially trained to offer this type of help. Social workers, and cancer help organizations are two such sources of help available where there is usually no cost involved for the patient at all.
Usually they are able to help with the basic things, such as: arranging transport that may be required for going backwards and forwards to the hospital for after-op treatment, a nurse may be needed, grants for mobility-aids (wheel chair), heating costs, general household expenses, etc. They can in fact be a Godsend for those who choose to use them.
If the patient gets past the first 12 months, much of the healing that can be done, has already been done, and life can start getting back to as normal as possible. Although, life will never be the same again, as it will be much more limited in the things that a patient can do compared to before the operation took place.
There are many reasons why someone may have had their lung removed, although 90% of the time it is associated with lung cancer which is usually related to smoking. When this is the case, the prognosis of the after-op lung patient is usually quite short; however, certain factors must first be taken into consideration before any assessment as to the patient's expected quality of life, and life-expectancy can be given.
These may include: the reason why the lung was removed, the age and gender of the patient, if a transplant lung was used, how healthy the remaining lung was at the time of the operation, the general health of the patient, how well the patient respond to treatment, etc.
These are all factors that can have some bearing on what will happen to the patient after surgery; although, it is quite common for treatment and check-ups to continue for the rest of the patient's life, whatever the reason.
Philip was born in the United Kingdom. Today he works as a freelance writer in Mexico, where he spends much of his time researching and writing about health related issues. If you feel that you have benefited from reading one of his articles: please recommend them to others who may also benefit. Thank you for reading Philip's articles!

An Inspirational Mesothelioma Success Story - How We Are Proving This Deadly Cancer Is Beatable

There are countless books & stories online of how people have beaten all types of cancer without the need for orthodox treatments, yet stories of success against mesothelioma remain relatively rare & hard to come by. This is the main reason for sharing our experiences & success, in the hope of reaching the attention of those who need to know that mesothelioma by no means has to be the equivalent of their death sentence.
The main cause of mesothelioma relates to exposure to asbestos, with 1 in 10 people having previous asbestos exposure at some time later in life developing pleural mesothelioma. Around 80% of all people diagnosed with mesothelioma can recall being exposed to asbestos at some time in their lives & it is the presence of these asbestos fibres within the body which makes this such an aggressive form of cancer & a complicated one to beat.
Anyone who has themselves been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or who may be supporting a loved one will be well aware that the medical prognosis is not good. The average life expectancy from diagnosis is around 9-18 months, with a sharp decline in health & quality of life to be expected. As far as the reason for this disease taking a hold so many years after asbestos exposure remains somewhat of a mystery, perhaps a decline in the strength of the immune system or certain nutrients within the body which assist in the protection of our cells, which comes with age? A fairly likely explanation, yet how come so many people who have worked daily with asbestos over such a long period of time never develop mesothelioma, when others whose contact with asbestos may have only been brief end up developing this deadly disease? Are those who do not get mesothelioma simply lucky, or healthier than those who do? Well in my opinion the underlying causes here run far deeper than medical understanding & whilst it is possible that lifestyle factors may play a big role in the cause, we must consider that everything happens for a reason in this life & as for the outcome, well there is always a choice.
Just because one person (your oncologist) tells you this is how your life is now going to be & that you must accept this & prepare for what lies ahead, such as booking into a home etc. does not mean that this has to be the case. Even if you go get a second, third or even fourth opinion from other doctors - remember they all studied from the same textbooks, so to speak. They may well deal with people every day in similar circumstances but they too are likely to only be as good as what these people tell them, they do not know where else to turn. The answers you seek do exist; they just lie elsewhere & are in fact far simpler than most people would care to believe.
Our story
Our story began on the 11th February 2010, when the confusion over what was actually wrong with my Dad came to a close. He had gone to the doctors a while before having had difficulty breathing & after being referred for further tests & scans had already been wrongly diagnosed twice. The first suspicion was lung cancer, but then they called him in & revealed that the growth was in fact in front of his lung & so posed much less of a threat as it should be much easier to treat. We, as his family had raised hopes, only for them to be crushed beyond belief. As all those in similar situations will well know, this is the most harrowing time, to discover that the person or one of the people you love most in this world & have so much respect for is to face such a horrific & tragic end. It just does not seem right or fair in any way whatsoever, plus it always seems to be the good people in the world that such things happen to. My Dad has always been very successful, worked hard all his life & most of all his family are the world to him, he would truly do anything for us, yet we were supposed to stand back & just watch him suffer until he became almost helpless. "I don't think so!" After a week or so of being completely inconsolable, my anguish turned to determination. I became sure that there were answers out there somewhere, I just had to find them somehow & so I got to work. I spent full days, for weeks on end reading & learning all about cancer from various perspectives & mainly at cellular level & combined this with my own spiritual insight & guidance to gain an understanding of how this could be overcome. In the meantime my Dad had decided to go with the recommendation of his oncologist for a course of chemotherapy, a decision which he would come to regret somewhat. Apart from the awful suffering he had to undergo as part of the side effects of this treatment, it was completely unsuccessful & had no effect whatsoever on the growth of his tumour. After all he had been through this news left him feeling very down & depressed & in acceptance of what was to become his fate. To make matters worse fluid was building up on his lungs making him fell very tired & breathless & poorly. He was admitted to hospital for the removal of the fluid & at this point was in a very bad way. They removed 3 litres of fluid from his left lung & for the week following the procedure he was in immense pain & was unable to leave his hospital bed; it was a terrible time for us all as it was such an awful thing to witness. I think that having gone through all this was what made my Dad turn the corner; he had had enough pain & more than enough suffering now & was prepared to try anything if it meant he did not have to go through any more. The week after he came home from the hospital he began the protocol I had designed for him & the improvement began almost immediately.
The fundamental principles to success
Although mesothelioma, due to the presence of asbestos fibres in whichever area of the body where the cancer is located, is slightly more complicated than other types of cancer; it is still cancer & cancer cells of any kind function in the same way. They need a supportive environment in which to survive, they are alive & all living things can survive only in certain conditions, when these necessities for survival are removed, they will perish. It is rather like a plant; you put the plant in a closed cupboard, therefore denying it of sunlight & it will get weaker, even if you still water it, it cannot survive without sunlight as this provides a source of energy which the plant converts to chlorophyll. This is the process which enables the plant to function at optimal health & therefore allowing it to thrive.
Both healthy cells & cancer cells need to produce energy to survive, they just happen to have complete opposite methods in achieving this. A healthy cell is aerobic, it uses oxygen to produce energy; a cancer cell in anaerobic & hates oxygen. Instead cancer cells produce energy through the intake of glucose. Already there is one clear method emerging through which we can weaken the cancer cells & boost the performance of our healthy cells; starve the cancer cells of glucose & get oxygen to our cells.
We can easily starve cancer cells of glucose by not eating any sugar! In practice, however, this is slightly more complicated than cutting out the two sugars in your coffee. Everything you buy which is pre-packaged contains sugar, from ready meals to baked beans -EVERYTHING! Anything such as fizzy drinks claiming to be sugar free should be avoided anyway for other reasons.
Cancer cells like high acidity levels, therefore foods which are acidic should also be avoided. The main area for confusion here exists around certain fruits, which may be loaded with cancer fighting nutrients, yet are acidic. My advice would be to cut out fruit for the first few weeks of your alternative treatment plan & then introduce it gradually. Blueberries & pomegranates are good ones, as are all berries due to their antioxidant properties. Bananas must be completely avoided though. An inexpensive way to neutralise the body's pH levels is to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water & drink 1/2 hr. before meals. Be careful to ensure the baking soda you purchase does not contain aluminium.
The intake of cancer killing nutrients & the protection of healthy cells can also be achieved to a large extent through diet. It is advisable to compliment the diet with certain supplements which will help replace the nutrients known to be deficient in mesothelioma sufferers & to help boost the immune system, as well as overall health. When selecting your supplements please be careful; many supplements manufactured today are Genetically Modified, always try to find ones composed of completely natural ingredients. I have a list of recommended sources on my website.
It is vital that when attempting to beat mesothelioma, or any other type of cancer, that you are aware of everything you put into your body; it is either fighting cancer or feeding it. It is therefore essential that a cancer diet is strictly adhered to. There are many interpretations of what people consider to be the best foods to eat & avoid as part of the cancer diet, my advice would be to just be sensible about what you eat. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:
· NO SUGAR or artificial sweeteners - for the reasons mentioned above.
· Avoid acidic foods - the reasons for this I have already mentioned.
· No Dairy - There are a number of reasons for this; dairy produce is mucus forming & cancer cells love mucus, also the animals are injected/ fed with chemicals which enable them to produce milk all year round. (My Dad substitutes dairy with organic goat produce.)
· No Meat - A little organic chicken once per week is fine.
· No Bread - Contains sugar & yeast.
· Avoid Soya - Many health experts are advising to avoid soya due to the discovery that it is GM modified, in most cases.
· Eat Organic - I am sure most people are aware of the dangers imposed on our health through the use of pesticides & other additives for preservation purposes etc.
· Eat your Greens - Green, leafy vegetables are a good source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has so many benefits to our physical health & our connection with spirituality.
· Eat raw - Most of us have heard about how cooking destroys many of the valuable nutrients found in fruit & veg. Well this is true & even if a completely raw food diet does not appeal to you, try to at least achieve a substantial intake of raw vegetables each day. The best way to do this is to buy a good quality juicer, preferably one which also juices grasses. Carrots, beetroot & asparagus make excellent ingredients for your juices.
· Grasses - Wheatgrass & Baleygrass have a vast array of benefits for fighting cancer & can be added to your raw vegetable juices for increased potency. I would also recommend Chlorella Powder, as chlorella is the best source of chlorophyll that exists. In addition to this it contains every single nutrient in the human body in their natural form, its cells are almost identical to that of haemoglobin & it purifies the blood & is excellent for detoxification.
· Oils - Good quality oils such as extra virgin olive oil, not the regular cooking oils, can be used to dress salads & for cooking. They are an excellent source of good calories & are very good for those struggling with weight loss, as well as having various other health benefits.
The Budwig Diet
This should be an integral part of every cancer patient's regime & it has been used to cure many cancer patients, even many with just weeks left, thanks to the work of Dr. Joanna Budwig, who dedicated her life to healing people with cancer through her discovery of the amazing benefits of organic cottage cheese & flax seed oil against this disease. She actually proved this recipe to be effective against many, many other diseases as well & her life's work is still remembered & used by thousands of people with varying conditions worldwide today. The Budwig diet is well known about in Germany, the birth country of Dr. Joanna Budwig, but is less commonly known of in other parts of the world.
Preparation instructions
You will need:
Organic Cottage Cheese
Organic Flax Seed Oil
1 tsp Organic Honey
Spoon your organic cottage cheese into a blender & add the flax oil. The correct ratio for these ingredients is:
2 parts organic cottage cheese: 1 part organic flax seed oil
Add 1 tea spoon of organic honey to sweeten.
Blend for up to 5 mins. or until the ring of oil has completely disappeared from round the edge.
Can be refrigerated to store.
Serving Suggestions: For a great cancer-fighting snack or dessert serve on a bed of fresh blueberries, raspberries or with dried acai berries.
The belief factor
We have discussed about the importance of diet & nutrition, the next thing which is equally important is "Belief!"
I can understand that initially it may be very difficult to have every faith in the renewal of your health, especially given the outlook from your oncologist's perspective. I guarantee, though, that once you begin with your cancer diet & especially with the addition of some powerful healing & cancer fighting supplements the effects will be felt very quickly & then you may just begin to believe in your ability to overcome this.
Even the most sceptical people about alternative treatments, if they just give the diet & a few supplements a try, they will have to admit in the end that it is doing them good; I know this because my Dad was the ultimate skeptic on such forms of treatment, but now he would never stop what he is doing & is keen to do more & more of it.
Making plans for the future & starting projects are an excellent idea; you are accepting you will be here & in good enough health to see them through & 'you are now believing!'
Emotional blockages to recovery
In addition to believing & having faith in your recovery, there are more often than not other emotional issues which need addressing.
Stress is the main obstacle here & in many cases of mesothelioma, more generally cancer, prolonged periods of intense stress & worry may have been a direct cause. When we suffer over a long period of time with such intense levels of stress & we see no way out, our immune system actually starts to shut down. It is almost like you are telling your body, through the intensity of your thoughts, that you see no escape from your circumstances & your body hears, as well as senses your anguish & so it answers your pleas & begins to provide you with a way out; it begins to shut down the effective functioning of your immune system & so disease has the door opened for its take-over. This will not be the case for everyone, yet it does give a viable explanation as to why 40 years or so after asbestos exposure, this disease may suddenly take a hold. The immune system has the ability to repair damage to cells & keep their healthy functioning in check, whether the cause is stress related or possibly due to poor lifestyle habits it does make perfect sense that in some way it has been compromised for cancer to begin to grow within the body.
Even if you do not believe that stress played any direct role in the cause of mesothelioma for you personally, the above does give a good indication of how negative its impact can be on your health & therefore all stress must be completely eliminated from everyday life.
Another possible emotional blockage can be one that relates to issues from childhood. Sometimes, even if this is rooted deep down in the subconscious, when life situations occur which reminds you of these issues from childhood they can cause emotional imbalance, which needs to be resolved.
A new start
You may find that being diagnosed with such a serious illness such as mesothelioma, especially if you choose an alternative treatment path, will cause you to address so many areas of your life & develop a completely new relationship with so many of the things you had previously never given a second thought about. The main one perhaps being food & just what a 'treat' may now be classed as; a chocolate role which can cause you so much harm or a fresh carrot juice, which will give you an almost instant lift & continued intake will be assisting in the saving of your life! It is time to realise the true purpose of food & its amazing potential for fighting disease & maintaining good all round health, not for just tasting nice for the time it is in your mouth!
Overcoming cancer is an extremely spiritual process & you will likely find yourself rediscovering your faith in the spiritual, or perhaps discovering it for the first time. Prayer should be practiced every day & your bond with the powers greater than yourself will strengthen & assistance & guidance will granted to you through prayer.
Many things & aspects of your life will perhaps take on a new meaning, embrace this & know that it is all part of the learning experience you were given & that you will emerge all the wiser, stronger & happier when you can turn round & look back on all this with your health renewed.
Following my extensive research & experience in the trial of various products for treating cancer, I now wish to share some of the very best ones I have come across with those attempting to beat cancer themselves, or wishing to help a loved one.
For further information & details of my latest top product recommendations please see my Cancer Protocol [http://articles.keepitnatural.co.uk/cancerprotocol.html] or my Mesothelioma Protocol [http://articles.keepitnatural.co.uk/mesothelioma.html]

Seniors and Mesothelioma

Senior citizens make up seventy-five percent of the victims of asbestos exposure who are fighting mesothelioma. The American Cancer Society defines mesothelioma as a cancer that attacks the mesothelial tissue, which makes up the thin protective layer of tissues that surround the heart and lungs. In America, between two and three thousand patients a year are diagnosed with mesothelioma, most of whom have worked with asbestos.
The incident rate of mesothelioma in senior citizens is high for a couple of reasons. First, asbestos was banned in the United States during the 1970s, so exposure has decreased significantly for younger generations. Second, asbestos can remain dormant as a carcinogen for more than fifty years, and the cancer itself can develop for over a year before it is discovered, which puts the highest risk age bracket at seventy years and up.
According to Senior Living Magazine the first symptoms of mesothelioma are shortness of breath, hoarseness, chest pain and other less severe complications. Because they begin to appear years after initial exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma is typically diagnosed in its last stages. It is diagnosed by taking a biopsy of the affected tissue and testing it for malignancy. Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed during the third or fourth stage of the disease.
There is no known cure for mesothelioma. This is because it is exposure-related and, though a single case may be treated and eliminated, recurrence is likely. Also, most cases are not discovered until after the cancer has spread. Because most cases occur in senior citizens, in whom aggressive treatment is risky and ineffective, the goal of treatment is to prolong life, keep the patient comfortable and arrest the disease's development rather than eradicating it completely. According to the Mayo Clinic, the primary methods of treatments for the cancer itself include surgical removal of large tumors, chemotherapy and in some cases radiation. Palliative care, or treatment of the side-effects of the disease and ongoing discomfort, is dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Seniors who are diagnosed with mesothelioma will find that it is necessary for them to slow down. For seniors that are still in good health otherwise, retiring is a good first step. For seniors who have other health complications, or who have already experienced other health complications related to aging, self-care and maintaining the home may be overwhelming. These individuals should look for a retirement home in their area that they would be comfortable moving into and that has medical staff and servicing equipped to handle the demands of dealing with their needs after the mesothelioma diagnosis.
Life expectancy after mesothelioma diagnosis is poor. According to Environment and Ecology, the average life expectancy after diagnosis is 8 to 14 months. Those who have a stage four diagnosis may want to seriously consider palliative care only.
A mesothelioma diagnosis is serious, scary and life changing. Senior citizens facing a terminal diagnosis should take the time to discuss their medical condition with their family, consider their opinions and make final arrangements. They should also seek the care of a medical professional who specializes in asbestos related disease and mesothelioma treatment. Understanding the progression of the disease, their individual situation and their medical options will allow them to make informed decisions about the disease.
Lawrence Reaves is a freelance writer and health advocate who encourages those who receive a mesothelioma diagnosis seek information from one or more reputable mesothelioma attorneys.

Malignant Mesothelioma - A Dangerous and Life Threatening Disease

Malignant mesothelioma attacks the membranes and lining of large cavities in our body. The serous cavities houses important and major bodily organs like lungs, heart and abdomen. The serous membranes surround the cavities and protect these organs from abrasion and friction specially during the functioning of the organs like heart beating and breathing. The specialised cells are referred to as mesothelial cells which form the mesothelium which is the tissue layer of serous membranes. The cancer which occurs in this tissue is referred to as mesothelioma.
The different forms of malignant mesolthelioma are pericardial mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pleural mesothelioma. Perinoteal mesothelioma occurs in the membrance which surrounds the abdomen. It affects male organs as the lining of the scrotum extends to the perinoteum.
In case of pericardial mesothelioma, the lining which surrounds the heart is affected. In case of pleural mesothlioma which is the most widespread form of malignant mesothelioma, the lung cavity is affected. Nowadays, mesothelioma is considered as cancerous or malignant. They actually begin as a small tumour and then rapidly spread to the various organs and tissues. Originally, non cancerous growths and fibrous cysts started appearing in the serous membranes which were thought to be mesothelioma. This specific condition is non cancerous and does not spread speedily.
The basic cause of mesothelioma is exposure to fibrous minerals like asbestos. There is enough evidence to prove that the fibers of asbestos is the main cause for this disease. There are experiments which have been conducted and there is indisputable evidence to prove the same. However, it is also not true that all those who are exposed to asbestos will develop mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma is definitely a rare and deadly disease. Many a times, it is detected only when it comes advanced. The patient survives for not more than two years, once the disease is identified. The malignancy percentage decides the survival time of the patient.
Like mentioned earlier, this form of mesothelioma is very rare and is a result of exposure to asbestos at the workplace. About 75% of the cases of mesothelioma is the pleural mesothelioma type. Many a times, pleural mesothelioma is confused with lung cancer as the pleura is situated close to the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma is an aggressive and invasive form of mesothelioma wherein the life expectancy is much less once the patient has been diagnosed of this condition. The main cause for this condition is asbestos exposure, but the dangers associated with it are ignored by the employers.
However, there has been increasing awareness about this health condition over the years and many manufacturing units are becoming more health and safety conscious and correct precautionary measures are being taken to prevent this condition.
Mesothelioma and particularly Malignant Mesothelioma has been a major reason for many compensation cases being filed by affected workers.

Pleural Mesothelioma and Black Lung Disease Prognosis

The prognosis of Pleural Mesothelioma is determined with not one but several factors. The detection of cancer at the early stage usually leads to a favourable prognosis and can have a vast impact on the expectancy of the patient. Mesothelioma, like other forms of cancer, tends to have seriously limited choices of treatment when diagnosed at a later stage and prognosis is even compromised most of the time.
Black lung disease is literally making the miners' lungs black and obtained from constant inhalation of coal dust. The effects of black lung disease are long term and can even cause death. Its reaction to accumulated dust can appear and even worsen during your exposure or even after the inhalation.
The general health condition of the patient is the most significant factor that influences the prognosis. Mesothelioma diagnosed at an early stage will be able to go through the treatments easier than those who are older, and those with existing conditions. According to studies, persons aged older than 55 are at a higher risk and are more likely to occur to men than women.
The next consideration would be the extent of the metastasis. If the cancer has not yet metastasized to other parts of the body, patient are likely to have several treatment options that will help increase the person's prognosis. Poor prognosis are likely to be in patients that are experiencing difficulty in breathing, having chest pains, cannot carry out daily tasks, weight loss and high level of LDH (lactate dehydrogenase). These are usually indications that the cancer is already on its later stages.
Prognosis for patients who exhibits these symptoms is usually present from six to twelve months. However, persons who are not having these signs will normally have more than a year.
Ways That May Help Improve Prognosis
Stage I patients with Pleural Mesothelioma can opt for a surgery called extrapleural pneumonectomy. This surgery is only offered to patients that are generally in good health. The surgery will remove the affected lung and the lining of the wall of the chest, pericardium and diaphragm. This approach is highly recommended for patients affected with epithelioid cell plerual mesothelioma.
For those patients on the latter stages with black lung disease, an attempt for pleuroctomy can be performed to help increase prognosis. This medical treatment relieves the pain without having to cure the cause of the suffering since it will control the buildup of fluids in the mesothelium or sac. This does not cure, but it can take the pain away and any pressure on the lung.
Survival Rate
As in other lung diseases, the back lung disease is also bleak and narrow. After the diagnosis, there are cancer patients who live for five years or even more. This is called the five-year-survival rate, and the survival rate for this is about 10%. We still need to find out if there's more since these figures come from five years ago. Since treatment and technology have been continually improving, there are chances to improve the survival rate for patients with Mesothelioma and black lung disease.
There are more compelling stories about survivors that are living, and they are willing to tell their stories. This provides hope for other patients under treatment process. Since prognosis may differ depending on cell types, any patient can always hope for a different and longer life expectancy.
This Article is related to the subject of mesothelioma. If you are looking for information on black lung disease then mesothelioma-lawsuit-advice.com is the greatest place for you.

What Is Mesothelioma? Types and Treatment Options

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which affects the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane which covers the heart, lungs and other internal organs. You normally get this disease from being exposed to asbestos fibers at some point in your life.
Types of mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form is pleural mesothelioma which develops within the mesothelium. Pleural mesothelioma will develop in the pleural membrane which is the lungs lining.
Breathing in asbestos fibers is the cause of pleural mesothelioma. Upon entering the lungs, the asbestos fibers will work their way into the lungs pleural membrane. Once in there, the body will find it almost impossible to get rid of them. Over a period of several decades, the asbestos fibers will cause the pleural cells to change. These changes may lead to the lungs becoming scarred and, eventually, tumors forming.
Once the cells of the pleural membrane turn cancerous, they will continuously divide, leading to a reduction in lung capacity and causing fluid to buildup between the layers of the pleural membrane.
Because pleural mesothelioma is usually not caught until the later stages of the disease, the prognosis for the patient is normally poor. But, if the disease is caught in the early stages, then the patient's prognosis as well as the life expectancy will be much improved.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma - this is a very rare form of cancer which strikes the peritoneum (the cell walls surrounding the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum lubricates the abdominal cavity which allows the surrounding internal organs and body structures to expand and contract. Peritoneal mesothelioma is very rare with fewer than 500 people contracting this form of cancer each year.
Several decades after asbestos fibers are breathed in or ingested; cancer will develop in the patient's abdomen. Modern tests can diagnose whether or not a patient has peritoneal mesothelioma. Despite the fact that it is not usually diagnosed until it is in the later stages, there are still some treatment options.
Although some patients may qualify for surgery and other curative treatment options, other patients may simply choose palliative measures. Most patients with peritoneal mesothelioma survive for less than a year. However, with the proper treatment, life expectancy could increase. A mesothelioma specialist can help patients find the best treatment options for their cancer, which might improve the patient's prognosis.
According to some studies, the average life expectancy of a man diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma is 7 months, although a few men have survived for almost 100 months. Women usually survive for approximately 9 months after being diagnosed, with a few women surviving for a maximum of 49 months. Patients whose mesothelioma was caught early and with less severe symptoms naturally have a better prognosis.
Mesothelioma treatment options
When it comes to treating cancer, doctors focus on killing the malignant cells and saving the healthy ones. There are several ways to do this.
Doctors will utilize chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation or a combination of all three as the most effective way to treat mesothelioma. The treatment that will be recommended is dependent on several issues:
The type and location of the mesothelioma
How big are the tumors?
How much the cancer has metastasized?
What stage the cancer is in.
The patient's age
The patient's overall health
Several types of doctors will be involved in treating the cancer such as an oncologist or cancer specialist, a radiologist, and a pulmonologist or lung specialist. It can take time to figure out the precise location and variety of the cancer, but determining these factors will enable the oncologist to prescribe the most effective mesothelioma treatment.
Click Here to learn more about mesothelioma treatment options that may save your life.

Pleural Mesothelioma - Cancer That Affects the Lung Lining

Pleural mesothelioma is the form of cancer in its malignant manifestation over the protective layer of the lungs with possibilities to spread to the lungs as well. The formation of malignant cells in the structure of the lining will act as a constrictive belt for the lungs preventing them to function normally, and as such the person who presents this condition can have shortness of breath.
Pleural mesothelioma can be:
- diffuse and malignant - carcinogenic type.
- localized and benign - non cancerous type - this one can be removed surgically, while the malignant form is really hard to deal with.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most commonly met case in the cases of mesothelioma and it appears due to a longer exposure to an asbestos environment, for after 20 years or so to start manifesting. It takes indeed a lot of time for the disease to be detected as it needs some time to incubate and in the end to expose some symptoms that will indicate the presence inside the human body.
These symptoms that relate to pleural mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, sleeping, chest pain, blood vomits, weight loss, loss of appetite, lower back pains, coughing, difficulty in swallowing.
To offer a diagnosis in pleural mesothelioma it will need a CT scan or an X-ray for the chest area for the pleural thickening to be revealed. The next step leads to bronchoscopy. A medical practitioner should then be able to have a better comprehension of the case.
Another way to detect the disease is the open biopsy or the needle biopsy. This can be done as well through a thoracoscopy where a mini camera is inserted for a tissue sample to be removed and analyzed.
Treatment can be effective as long as the pleural mesothelioma is detected in its early stages. In this case the tumor can be taken out through a surgical procedure. Additionally an immuno-therapy can be followed with inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) used for increasing power of the immune system. Radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy for the late stage of the disease can act merely as ways to relieve the pain.
There are also side effects presented, such as severe tiredness, excessive radiation can cause a reddish and itchy aspect of the skin. Nausea and vomiting can be the other side effects in the case of radiotherapy, urinary discomfort as well as a diminishing in number of the white blood corpuscles.
When a person is diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma the life expectancy is from 6 months to one year, the maximum in some cases being up to 5 years. Other factors to accelerate the disease manifestation are the lung infections left untreated, tobacco smoking, exposure to simian virus 40 (SV 40) and many others.
I have set up a website specifically for those people who do not know where to start when they find out that they, or someone close to them has contracted mesothelioma.
The site has all the information you need to file your case;lawyers, experts, articles by experts, but most importantly, a number of videos by an expert in the field, who will guide you through the process. You will never feel alone using this website resource. I hope that it gives some comfort to those affected. You can go directly to the site here: [http://www.mesotheliomaalternatives.com]
Chris Arnfield BA, BSc.

Overview of Malignant Mesothelioma

Over a period of time, the world has witnessed variations of a disease that is caused by the frequent inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers - mesothelioma. The asbestos fibers are known to get lodged within the lung tissues. A variety of related diseases are caused due to prolonged and constant exposure to asbestos like malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. The most fatal of these diseases is mesothelioma, which culminates in death.
Malignant mesothelioma:
This cancer affects the lining of the abdomen or the lungs and is today, not a very rare type of cancer. It is always caused due to the inhalation of asbestos, but can spread due to a weakened immune system too and other internal infections present during the onslaught. The effects of this cancer manifest approximately 20 to 40 years later and this is one reason why it is seen in older patients generally. If mesothelioma life expectancy has to be increased then early diagnosis of the patient helps in determining the right kind of treatment option on time. Of all the cancers, malignant mesothelioma is one of the most painful, aggressive and most fatal.
Mesothelioma cancer types:
The lungs are often the most affected parts of the body in mesothelioma cancer. It also occurs in the peritoneum in rare cases and when the asbestos fibers are inhaled, they also reach the bowel and stomach regions. Pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are the two types of mesothelioma. The pleura or the lining of the lungs are affected in pleural mesothelioma and in peritoneal mesothelioma, the lining of the abdominal cavity or the peritoneum is affected.
To improve mesothelioma life expectancy early diagnosis and treatment becomes indisputable. It takes many years for malignant mesothelioma to develop and manifest. If a person is diagnosed today for example, he or she has actually been exposed to the asbestos fibers about 20 to 40 years back! Those workers who previously had jobs involving prolonged inhalation of the asbestos fiber are the ones most affected by mesothelioma. During the early 20h century, there were not many safety guidelines with regards to the onslaught. Not only the workers themselves, but even their friends and relatives were affected due to the inhalation of the asbestos fibers from the hair, clothing and skin of these primary carriers of the fibers.
Prognosis and symptoms:
It takes decades for malignant mesothelioma to develop. Up to 15 to 20 or sometimes even up to 50 years, no serious symptoms of the condition may manifest in even a construction worker. And even if the symptoms do surface, they have a tendency of remaining inconspicuous very often. The patient usually displays bouts of fever, swallowing difficulty, and pain in the chest, shortness of breath, persistent cough and difficulty in breathing.
It becomes difficult to catch the onslaught in the early stages due to the vagueness of the symptoms related to malignant mesothelioma. The cancer is most likely to reach its advanced stages by the time the victim even goes through the primary diagnosis. This makes the prognosis poor and the situation pretty hapless. Depending on the particular form of mesothelioma cancer, the survival rate could be anywhere between 20-30%. To improve Mesothelioma Life Expectancy, early diagnosis and the timely treatment are absolute necessities.
Right from the 1800s asbestos has been frequently used and even overused. The overview of Mesothelioma Life Expectancy and Malignant Mesothelioma needs to be mapped from the 1940s to the 1980s.

Types of Malignant Mesothelioma

A person who is exposed to asbestos inhales or ingests fiber that is not really visible to the naked eyes. Over time these fibers react with the body cells in a manner that they undergo mutation and cause malignant Mesothelioma. This exposure can be direct and also indirect, when family members and friends come in contact with the person who is exposed to asbestos.
Types of Mesothelioma
The first type of Mesothelioma is called Pleural Mesothelioma and this affects the inner lining of the lungs which is called the pleura. When the fibers of asbestos are inhaled they cause he formation of scars and damage the cells present in the inner lining. This leads to the onslaught of mesothelioma cancer. This is the most common type of Mesothelioma and the symptoms are breathlessness, pain the chest, retention of fluid in the lungs and blood traces in the sputum.
The next type of Mesothelioma is called Peritoneal Mesothelioma and it affects the inner lining of the stomach. This happens when the fibers of asbestos enter the body and interfere with the normal cells penetrating their thin lining. This is not very common, but the onslaught manifests in the form of symptoms that include pain in the abdomen, feeling of nausea, constipation, lumps of tissue in the abdomen etc.
The third type is the Pericardial Mesothelioma and this affects the lining around the heart. There are very few cases of this type of cancer diagnosed and the symptoms include chest pain, palpitations and mild cough.
Mesothelioma life expectancy
This is a very dangerous form of cancer and a person who is diagnosed does not live for more than two years. The danger is more from the fact that the symptoms only manifest decades after initial exposure to asbestos fiber. Though the main cause is exposure to asbestos, this is not the only cause. It takes about 30 to 40 years to surface after initial infection. But the main cause for worry is that by the time it gets diagnosed it is usually in the last stages. The Mesothelioma life expectancy is less than two years and this time period is very painful, mentally and physically. There are many doctors and surgeons who are constantly experimenting with treatments and prevention methods, feeling very positive that the Mesothelioma Life Expectancy can be increased to almost 5 years. If this is possible then it will be a great achievement in the world of medicine because as of today Mesothelioma is a 'dreaded' silent killer.
Benefits of early diagnosis
A person who has been exposed to asbestos at any point of time in life is always advised to get checked for Mesothelioma. Even if you are not directly exposed, even if a family member is exposed it is better to get yourself and your family checked for signs. Since it takes a long time for the symptoms to surface your current state of health is not a criterion. Even if you are completely fine now getting yourself checked does no harm. It is better to get checked before the symptoms show up because then it will be too late.
There are many types of cancers and most of them are the result of causes yet unknown. But Malignant Mesothelioma is due to the exposure to asbestos and Mesothelioma Life Expectancy is imperative to know the types of this cancer.

Life Expectancy With Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer primarily caused by exposure to asbestos. Frustratingly, it was not identified until the mid 1950s, after asbestos had been used in everything from the construction to shipping industries since the Industrial Revolution. This means that many people endured asbestos exposure without knowing of the risks. Sadly, life expectancy with mesothelioma is not very high.
One issue with asbestos is that it is a very useful material despite its dangers. Asbestos can resist heat, flame, chemicals, and electricity, and it is very flexible yet strong. Thus, it is easily added to many different items in order to provide insulation and longevity. However, asbestos can flake off into microscopic particles, which you can inhale without realizing it. Once in your lungs, your body is unable to break down the asbestos and remove it, so it can remain lodged in your tissues for years.
Over time, the mutating effects of the asbestos can cause tiny tumors in your body. Mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the heart, lungs, abdomen, and even the testes, and tumors in these areas can be difficult to detect. Mesothelioma in the lungs, or pleural mesothelioma, is the most common type, so doctors often have better tools for detecting this type of cancer.
Typically, the earlier that doctors detect your cancer, the better your life expectancy. Sadly, though, this form of cancer can lay dormant for decades after asbestos exposure, which makes it hard for you to expect and seek help for any symptoms. Additionally, doctors have yet to develop very specific treatment plans for this condition, which can also hinder your chances of recovery.
Overall, one study that followed mesothelioma patients from 1998 to 2002 found that the five-year survival rate is only about 9% for the combined types of mesothelioma.
If you are worried about asbestos exposure and your potential for developing mesothelioma, you should talk to your doctor immediately about any tests that he or she can use to help you detect cancer.
For more information about mesothelioma, contact a mesothelioma lawyer to discuss your case.
James Witherspoon

Extending The Mesothelioma Life Expectancy Of Asbestosis Sufferers

Mesothelioma life expectancy is so hard to predict because there are many factors that go into the diagnosis, such as how much asbestos was the person exposed to, how long after did the diagnosis occur, and most importantly, at what stage is the patient currently at? Mesothelioma is a rare sort of cancer that happens as a result of asbestos exposure and its occurrence is increasing in the United States. The mesothelium is an insulating pouch surrounding the body's internal organs and it is often attacked by cancer cells. The pleura or peritoneum are usually the first to display hints of destruction, but these cancer cells soon appear in other various parts of the body. The disease is terminal and the length of survival is dependent on a number of factors, such as treatment and the overall health of the patient, but in general, survival time tends to be about one to two years.
Promptness of diagnosis and the prescribed treatment regimen are crucial factors in figuring out the probable course of mesothelioma. The rate of survival is drastically diminished when treatment is significantly delayed. A great prognosis is reliant on such elements as the patient's basic health and morale, the type of mesothelioma, and the treatment used. The most critical factor in determining prognosis and estimated survival time is the point the disease has reached when it is diagnosed. The handicap here is that mesothelioma is vastly less identifiable in its initial stages than other forms of cancer. One of the biggest roadblocks to early detection is that the symptoms are pretty non-specific, thus allowing the spread of matured cancer cells prior to diagnosis.
The progression of any sort of successful treatment is contingent on early detection. Ultimately, prognosis is determined by several factors; age of the patient, the extent of the spread, how well the cancer responds to treatment, size and location of the cancer, as well as, the appearance of the cells when examined under a microscope. Diagnosis of this disease is fairly frustrating to begin with, and is much more challenging due to the subtlety of the symptoms and the illusory nature of mesothelioma. Coughing may be caused by a multitude of things but it is one of the common symptoms of mesothelioma. A cough is so common a symptom to a host of other ailments that until your doctor makes a diagnoses of mesothelioma you might never know you had contracted it. Tried and true treatments are prevalent in malignant mesothelioma cases. The elimination of the cancerous cells can be done via chemotherapy, employing drug therapy, and a combination of high energy x-rays. The likelihood of survival or remission is dramatically boosted with such early treatment once a diagnosis has been made.
To learn more about mesothelioma life expectancy mesothelioma life expectancy make sure to visit the asbestos attorney mesothelioma blog and home page.

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy - Beating the Silent Killer

Asbestos exposes the human body to a silent killer - malignant mesothelioma. If proper precautions are taken the fact remains that this 'death sentence' can be avoided. Many of the doctors in private practices across the globe give this verdict.
It is to the turn of the twentieth century that the origins of this silent killer malignant mesothelioma can be traced. Many industrial giants at the time were introduced to the new material asbestos. Due to its high flexibility, this component was widely incorporated, as is still being used, to exploit its ingrained insulative properties. This very material claims the lives of many workers who were once working around it and using it. Relatives and friends of the person affected also remain at risk of contracting the disease.
Avoid exposure in the first place:
A person can get affected by asbestos indirectly. It is suggested that you avoid taking on any kind of roof repair or any other building repair work at home on your own. It is advisable to hire the services of a professional who understands the danger caused due to asbestos exposure. If mesothelioma is detected early, the chances of suppressing it are much higher. It is important to get yourself checked as early as possible to avoid further complications if you are ever in doubt about the risk of exposure.
It is prolonged exposure to asbestos that causes malignant mesothelioma; a deadly cancer. This malignant cancer is different from other forms of cancer due to the fat that it remains dormant within the carrier system for decades, anywhere between 30 and even 40 years! It is after this period that the symptoms become apparent. Mesothelioma cancer does not become malignant immediately but takes a number of years.
Hire an experienced mesothelioma attorney:
As compared to the yester years, today there is a higher diagnosis rate and chance of detection of this form of malignant mesothelioma. The disease raises its ugly head after 30 to 40 years and till then the carriers live with this deadly killer without experiencing any symptoms. Due to the negligence on the part of employers, thousands of cases have been brought before the courts around the world to help victims in improving mesothelioma life expectancy. Most of the cases are winning and victims are being paid in huge sums. This has given rise to a new breed of attorneys who specialize in this field.
Detect it early:
People affected by malignant mesothelioma cannot be cured with any amount of money at their disposal. But instead of turning the money down, it can be used to find various treatment options to relieve the pain and prolong life, thus improving mesothelioma life expectancy. The first thing is to work towards an early detection of this cancer, because only then can a more effective treatment be put in place to help in improving the survival rate. Mesothelioma has always been a silent killer and thousands have been exposed and affected by this killer disease already. Sit back, contemplate and identify asbestos exposure now to tap on potential help.
Your mesothelioma life expectancy can be put is danger if it is unwittingly subjected to the highly toxic material, asbestos. Without any trial every year thousands of people are sentenced to such a death with malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy - What Can Be Done?

A number of factors are used to determine mesothelioma life expectancy of mesothelioma patients and each patient has a unique case. It works continuously in search of better life expectancy for patients with mesothelioma, so the life expectancy for a patient is better today than it was five years ago.
For mesothelioma patients, the average life expectancy once diagnosed is 4 to 18 months. However, each patient is different and there are many things to consider in each case.
Factors that affect the life expectancy of mesothelioma patients include:
  • Stage of the disease
  • The point at which it is diagnosed
  • If mesothelioma is located or advanced (separate)
  • Age of the patient
  • Patient's general health
  • Types of treatment that are feasible for the patient
There is no cure for this form of cancer
The stage a cancer such as with mesothelioma is an important indicator of how long a patient can expect to live. Unfortunately, there is no cure for mesothelioma, and if you or someone you know has diagnosed a patient with localized or advanced mesothelioma, he or she can have a maximum lifespan of just five years. However, there are cases in which mesothelioma patients have lived longer especially with early detection.
Early detection, aggressive treatment
Some studies have indicated that among patients whose mesothelioma is revealed early and treated aggressively, almost half of the patients expect their mesothelioma life expectancy will be two years and a fifth will have a life expectancy of five years. Among patients whose mesothelioma is advanced, only five percent can expect to live another five years. There new studies down all the time and trials to look for cures and improve quality of life while the patient has this form of cancer.
Be examined
The importance of diagnosing mesothelioma at an early stage cannot be overemphasized. If you worked with asbestos at some time in your life, or if exposed to significant amounts of asbestos in non-work environment, you should see a doctor about the possibility of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases, although you do not have symptoms of mesothelioma. For many patients mesothelioma will not reveal itself for twenty or more years after exposure. This means someone can go almost their whole life without a symptom. If you wait until you have the symptoms of mesothelioma are losing the opportunity to treat the disease at an early stage and extending mesothelioma life expectancy.
For more information on mesothelioma visit Mesothelioma Prognosis

Options to Improve Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

The body is not able to fight asbestos inhalation or ingestion because of the nature of the asbestos dust and its fibers. The extent of internal damage strongly depends on when the diagnosis is made (at which phase) and the available and affordable treatment of mesothelioma. The chances of a better life expectancy are possible if the diagnosis is made early. The tumors spread throughout the body when a late diagnosis is made and then there is no alternative but to go in for pain relief treatment which is also one of the main treatment options.
Malignant mesothelioma is caused due to constant exposure to asbestos contained materials. The affected person may display obscure health problems once affected. With the advancement of the disease, the treatment becomes very difficult and life expectancy gets shortened. To improve mesothelioma life expectancy, early diagnosis and treatment becomes indispensable.

Chemotherapy is one form of treatment for improving mesothelioma life expectancy. Two or more drugs may be administered at the same time. Cancer cells get destroyed in chemo treatment. Chemotherapy is also used to help shrink a tumor and also destroy cancer cells that almost always remain after surgery. It also helps subsequent immunotherapy and radiation to work better. Sometimes surgery is not an option and if the cancer cells have spread from the original tumor to the rest of the body, chemotherapy is the only way out. However, there are various discomforting side effects of chemotherapy.
Radiation therapy:
Radiation is another treatment to improve mesothelioma life expectancy and is given in a very high dose. It destroys tumors and reduces the spread of malignant mesothelioma. Several types of radiation are used in different ways to help in the treatment of the cancer. Radiation is also used for pain relief while treating other cancers, but not without its side effects.
Surgery and other therapies:
Parts of the body which are cancerous due to malignant mesothelioma have to be removed through surgery. The limitations and implications of surgery also depend upon where the cancer is primarily present. Along with the other treatment options, surgery is popularly used in conjunction. Before the cancer spreads throughout the body, surgery may be an effective option.
There are a number of therapies adopted in the research and trial stages. Immunotherapy is being investigated, where the immune system of the body is stimulated to fight back. The cancer vaccine is the main support of the active immunotherapy procedure. Passive immunotherapy involves the administration of immune system components outside of the body.
Another important development at the research stage is gene therapy. Mesothelioma causes a lot of damage to the DNA and this only complicates the methods of finding specific genes hat could actually help in tracking and killing the mesothelioma cancer cells. Nevertheless, research is on and it does show some promise.
Photosensitizing drugs are administered into the body intravenously in the photodynamic treatment option. To treat the cancerous cells, a fixed frequency light is used and the drugs are targeted at the cancerous cells. There are certain side effects to this treatment too.
Sometimes, but not always, mesothelioma life expectancy and malignant mesothelioma is caused due to exposure to asbestos containing materials. Exposure could take years to manifest - literally 20 to 40 years for the first signs to surface.

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy: It's Not Good If You Don't Heed The Warning Signs

Mesothelioma life expectancy is not good. It takes so many years to develop symptoms that are severe enough to even think of going to doctors and taking imaging tests, that this disease is almost impossible to cure. Even when you notice the symptoms, it is easy to misdiagnose what you have...that cough, fatigue, fever, and chest pain can be any number of lesser illnesses, but if you've worked with asbestos in the past, get it checked when you first notice.
Mesothelioma Is Usually Diagnosed After Age 60
This form of cancer is usually diagnosed after the age of sixty, or well into the retirement years. And at that age, when you develop a chronic cough, you are more inclined to assume it is asthma, allergies, or emphysema. Life expectancy for mesothelioma is short...often less than six months, and rarely longer than a year. However, there are exceptions, and new treatments and testing methods are in clinical trials at this time.
Pleural Mesothelioma: The Only One With Set Stages
Only one form of mesothelioma has set stages, and that is pleural mesothelioma. There are basically four stages. In the first stage, the cancer has only affected one layer of the pleura. When it has invaded both layers on one side of the body it becomes stage 2. When it spreads to the chest wall and the lymph nodes on one side of the body it is in stage 3. Stage for has the cancer metastasizing to other organs and the bones on both sides of the body.
Are Your Cancer Cells Epithelioid?
If you have mesothelioma, your life expectancy is slightly better if your cancer cells are epithelioid, which is the most easily treated of these cancers. Sarcomatoid cells are more resistant to treatment and are far more aggressive. The third type is called biphasic, and is a mix of both types of cell.
Check Out Aggressive Chemotherapy Procedures
There are doctors who are using very aggressive chemotherapy procedures, in order to increase the length of survival time to allow for surgery. In other cases surgery is performed first and then hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is used. In this method, the medication is delivered directly into the cancerous area by means of a shunt. This method shows great promise...if the patient qualifies for this type of treatment. When reviewing three hundred cases, the results were hopeful for mesothelioma life expectancy...75% survived for a year, and of those 50% survived for five years!
Early Detection Is Key With This Cancer
So what else effects the survival rate with this disease? Because this cancer is latent, detection time is of number one importance. How old the patient is seems to have a bearing on it. Which type of mesothelioma the patient has contracted will matter. Smoking will decrease mesothelioma life expectancy greatly. The patient must quit smoking immediately in order to have any quality of life. 
I can't go into all of the information that's available about mesothelioma life expectancy as it varies from patient to patient.
However, if you want to learn more about how to deal with this disease, you can check out the Mesothelioma Resource [http://www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com] Guide. I had a friend with mesothelioma, and I have put together a resource site where you can get good information about all facets of mesothelioma help available. Feel free to visit it at: www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com [http://www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com]

Determining Life Expectancy of Mesothelioma Patients

Once a person has been diagnosed with a cancer of any sort, the doctors will put their heads together to determine how great of a chance of survival the person will have with successful treatment. They will also try to determine how long they think the person will live without treatment or if treatment is unsuccessful.
In determining how long a person who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma has to live, the doctors will examine a number of factors. While it is true that they examine a number of known factors, every patient is a unique case whose life expectancy cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. Due to almost daily advances in the field of cancer treatment, the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with mesothelioma now is greater than that of a person who was diagnosed five years ago.
That being said, mesothelioma is still a serious disease that has not experience much luck in finding effective treatment options. Still, life expectancy is greater today than someone five years ago.
After analyzing all of the mesothelioma cases presented, doctors have determined that the middle portion of the bell curve is 4 and 18 months. This means that 25% of people diagnosed with mesothelioma live less than four months and 25% live for more than eighteen months. 50% of all diagnosed with mesothelioma live between four and eighteen months. While this information is scary, it does not break the cases down into stages of diagnosis or even whether treatment is even attempted.
Factors that influence the life expectancy of any cancer patient, including those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, vary. Some of the factors include:
- The stage of the disese when diagnosed
- The point at which it is diagnosed
- Whether the cancer is localized or has spread
- The patient's age and health condition
- Wha treatments are feasible based on the condition and health of the patient
Out of all of the factors influencing the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with mesothelioma, the stage of mesothelioma at diagnoses is the most important piece of the puzzle. It is the greatest indicator of how long or how short a patient's life expectancy is. Because the early symptoms of mesothelioma actually resemble those of other, much more common illnesses, many patients are misdiagnosed in the early stages. By the time the cancer has been discovered, the cancer has already reached an advanced stage.
Williams Kherkher is a full service law firm dedicated to providing representation who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma following the negligence of a former employer.
Joseph Devine

Reducing Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery or a combination of the three is used in the treatment of mesothelioma. The survival ratio can only be ascertained after diagnosis (up to 5 to 10 years) and implementation of varied treatment some of which are yet undergoing clinical trials. The membrane lining of the abdomen, lungs and the heart gets affected by the cancer referred to as malignant mesothelioma, triggered by exposure to asbestos.
The condition is caused almost always due to the ingestion or inhalation of asbestos. The disease takes approximately 30 to 40 years to manifest initial signs and symptoms, from the time of initial ingestion or inhalation. This is one of the reasons why mesothelioma is mostly seen in older people. This is one of the most painful, fatal and aggressive type of cancers, even though it is not very common, and efforts are being made to improve mesothelioma life expectancy.
Types of malignant mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the three types of cancers triggered by asbestos exposure. Pleural mesothelioma occurs in the tissues surrounding the lungs and is the most common form of this cancer. Perinoteal mesothelioma occurs in the tissues surrounding the abdomen, while pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest form, occurring in the tissue that surrounds the heart.
Malignant mesothelioma treatment
The type of treatment is decided by the surgeon, which again depends on the extent of spread of the cancer, its location, as well as the age and health of the patient. In most cases, the condition only manifests fully by the time it is too late for a complete cure. Even after diagnosis the patient does not survive for more than a year or a year and a half. To improve mesothelioma life expectancy, and to slow down the spread of cancer further, the surgeon always focuses on different ways to remove the cancer cells.
To improve mesothelioma life expectancy, there are a number of treatments available, some of them undergoing clinical trials currently. You can decide on the type of treatment after considering the new medical techniques at work as well as all the factors surrounding the case. A full treatment option or rather a guaranteed one is not possible even if the latest lab experiments are applied. However, patients could live longer if they are able to participate in the clinical trials and at the same time allow the surgeons to understand the disease better. In this way, in the near future, a total cure for Malignant Mesothelioma can be found.
Symptoms and cure:
Depending on the symptoms, the type of mesothelioma can be identified. Excess fluid surrounds the lungs, and due to lung compression there is difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath which worsens as the cancer keeps spreading. There is also incidence of severe to mild pain in the chest, weight loss which is sudden and unexplained, and fatigue. Depending on what stage the cancer is diagnosed and the type of mesothelioma, the treatment depends on the call of the doctor. Surgery is most common, followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
As far as the treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma is concerned, currently there are three treatments, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery to increase the otherwise petty grim Mesothelioma Life Expectancy.